Sunday, May 21, 2006

May 21st, 2006 - Yesterday was Sara's birthday. Sara had to work at Kohls so we will postpone the celabration to another day. I spent the day yesterday and today at the Children's Museum in the morning and the afternoons working in the yard. Today I attended a small lecture by Dr Bob Bakker on the newly discovered dinosaur (Dracorex hogwartsia). Ive attached pictures of Dr. Bob doing his lecture and holding the skull of hogwartsia and of Dr. Bob and myself with hogwartsia behind us.

And now here is the pictures showing the current progress of the backyard. I finished up the patio that will be in front of my workshop, got Sara's Wiskey Pump running (less the electric that dad will help me with), made great movement on the garden, and have all the conduit in the ground for the electric.

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